This past Sunday, the ladies of the Tea Society joined me on a very rainy January morning to venture to the historic town of Midway, Kentucky to celebrate our first Tea Society event of 2010. We did so with a wonderful Sunday brunch. Our destination was my favorite restaurant in Central Kentucky, The Holly Hill Inn. I have blogged about HH Inn in the past but it is such a magical place that I had to post a short one about it again. I highly recommend dining here to anyone who may find themselves in Central Kentucky, especially with the World Equestrian Games coming to our neck of the woods this year. Most Kentuckians are filled with excitement that our state will be hosting this amazing event. My mind is a flutter, formulating ideas for a unique Tea Theme to commemorate this occasion as well.
As for the restaurant, there are so many reasons to adore this place and the most obvious is of course the delectable cuisine, described as “Southern with a Twist”, and prepared by New York Culinary Institute graduate- Chef and owner, Ouita Michel. Southern Living had a lovely write up about her, and the Inn, in an issue last year. What I love so much about the picture below is the table she is seated at is perhaps my favorite spot in the entire restaurant. I have sat opposite that table many times and always get lost gazing at the artwork on the wall and through the window behind her there. It's magical in that corner when the room is dim and the light invades through the panes, dancing and glimmering on the white walls. It is truly a very romantic setting.
We spent at least an hour and a half, laughing, talking, and enjoying being in the company of friends- reveling in the sometimes lost art of conversation. I must say that the Inn is not a Tea room and there are actually places much better suited for a hot cuppa, but the ambiance and cuisine of this place makes it more than worth your while to have a quiet serene Sunday Brunch among friends.

(Image of Chef Ouita Michel from Southern Living Magazine online)

(Image of my favorite table from Holly Hill Inn Website)
( Tea Society Members at brunch:(on the left) Polly, Darleen, and Natalie. Caroline is seated beside me. Hum..I still haven't named this latest brown cloche with feathers...I must think on this some more:)