Hello dear friends of the Tea Society Blog. First off, I want to thank those who have been so kind as to leave their comments and farewells here. I also want to thank you for the infinite pots of "virtual tea" that we've shared over the years. You have been such wonderful kindred spirits and I have treasured getting to know so many of you more than you will ever know.
With all that said, this is certainly not the end! I have finally returned to introduce my new home in the Blogosphere. I have published a new art blog called Flora Symbolica. That's just a much more romantic title for The Language of Flowers. The title was inspired by a wonderful book that I recently purchased by the same name. It was written by Debra N. Mancoff and is all about the use of Flowers in Pre-Raphaelite art.
If you have an interest in Botanical art, gardening and beautiful gardens, you will no doubt find something of interest for you here. And of course, there will always be a fresh kettle on while you look over the contents. Truly, My hope is that the new blog will be a much more personal, as well as professional, journey for me. I would be delighted if my bloggy friends would join me in this adventure as I embark on life as a Botanical Illustrator.
Most Teafully,