The blogosphere is of course buzzing with anticipation over Mr. Toast’s 2nd annual Christmas Tea…My, if you missed last year’s event, you certainly should revisit this spectacular gala. Mr. Toast is highlighting many special moments on his sidebar and throughout some of his posts. Please stroll over there to get a recap of the glorious event and to sign up to attend this year.
I have the perfect date for this Highland fling. I will be escorted by none other than the Laird of Glenbogle, Archibald MacDonald. Archie invited me to spend a few days before the event at his ancestral home of Glenbogle House. I just hope this time; the plumbing issues have been resolved. Keeping a castle in tip top shape can prove rather taxing, or so I’m told ;)... That ever so eccentric family and staff of his should make the stay very entertaining to say the least. It seems I will also be conducting a bit of business while visiting with the MacDonald’s. Apparently, the family are in an uproar over some ancestral portraits. The request was vague but has something to do with questioning their authenticity. Hum… Archie has asked for an Art Historian’s advice so, of course, I am more than happy to look into this for him.

(Here's a photo of my date, Archie, the Laird of Glenbogle. He's the handsome one, first step, in the middle of a cast of, err, characters. Trust me when I say that's the understatement of a lifetime.)
Ah, now that my date for this event has been secured, I must finalize my wardrobe. Check back after this Holiday weekend for a sneak peak. Hum...can't wait to see what Archie wears. He has been known to sport a variety of kilts so this should prove interesting.

And last but not least, Happy Thanksgiving to each and every one of you!