(from Google Images)
For any of you who might be in the Franklin/Nashville area. You may find this event interesting. I've blogged about World Cup of Tea before and loved the experience at this tea room. And, what a worthy cause!
On Sunday, September 26th World Cup of Tea will join the fight to raise money and awareness for childhood cancer by teaming up with Songs For The Cure / 30 Days of Hope. We will have three seating times for lunch, 11:00, 1:00, and 3:00. Reservations are required. 100% of the proceeds go to Songs For The Cure / 30 Days of Hope. Music will be provided by Tonja Rose. Call and make your reservation today! 615-224-9778.
Menu for the event:
Southern Harvest Salad
Aunt Cecils Chicken Salad
Open Faced Cucumber
Hot Roast Beef
Apricot or Chocolate scone
$15.00 per person (Remember 100% goes to the charity.)
For more information you can check out the website for Songs for the Cure www.songsforthecurenashville.com or the website for 30 Days of Hope www.thirtydaysofhope.org