On Saturday, June 6, 5 members of the LHTS ventured to Richmond, KY and the historic home of famous Kentuckian and Abolitionist, Cassius Clay. Some ladies arrived in Edwardian inspired dress and others in reproduction clothing to spend an afternoon sipping iced pomegranite tea and nibbling on tea sandwiches, honey bbq chicken nibblets, tea cookies, scones with lemon curd, fruit salad, and a delectable tart with fruit and mint. After eating, we strolled through the outdoor antique faire which was set up on the grounds of the manor, and spent a few quiet moments in the rose garden before touring the wonderful home known as White Hall.
The weather could not have been more perfect and the company was especially lovely. We certainly missed the members who were unable to attend, but you were with us in spirit. We must do this again. Perhaps we shall make an annual event of our Edwardian Picnic!
For more information on one of the most eccentric and colorful Kentuckians, please read the following biography on Cassius Marcellus Clay.